Cassorla, Camhi, Angels & related families Page 2

All photos by Albert Fried-Cassorla

Last Updated 8-26-01

Dear friends, I hope you like this page. It's my attempt to provide recent photos of many of you. Perhaps this will help keep us together. If you have more, send them along!

Love, Albert

On this page: Cassorlas

My parents, Betty and Lou Cassorla. This picture was taken at the Angels, Passover, 2001. Theirs is a loving relationship that is now in its 9th decade.See their illustrated autobiographies on this site, if you're interested. Go to the home page, then to the Creative link, and down to Biographies.

Cassorla - Marshall and Christina Fumasoli


Cassorla - Kenny

Brother Kenny Cassorla, in a shot taken outside the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, 116th Street and Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan, near Columbia. What a kisser on that brudda! He deserves to be happy! Kenny has a beautiful family and a great life he's worked hard to achieve.

Cassorla - Kenny, Jeanette, Nathan and Tommy

Albert's brother Kenny Cassorla holds son Tommy. Wife Jeanette is on the left and son Nathan on the right. They have a great life in Aptos, CA (near Santa Cruz), where Kenny works as a chiropractor, and Jeanette as a dental assistant. Their lovely home on a hilltop is a California Dream! 1999.

Cassorla - Betty and Lou

 Lou and Betty Cassorla, my parents. Here's my Mom doing her Sephardic cooking in their kitchen of their home on Long Island. She's working with fresh spinach, hand-rolled dough and feta cheese. Dad isn't the only admirer of the food and the chef. Mmmm -- send me some, Mom! August, 2000.