
Last updated: 6-21-18

A record of our trip, June 20 - July 1, 2018

June 20, 2018

Today we flew from Newark to Oslo.  Soon, I hope to add some spectacular pix from the plane as we approached Oslo:

June 21, 2018 - CityBox & Rainbow

Soon after our arrival, a rainbow arose to greet us after a rainstorm!  An auspicious sight.



We checked into the CityBox Hotel Oslo Hotel.  This is an economical, no-frills hotel.  One great advantage is that it is in the center of town near Oslo Central Station.  We took a train which us a kind of bullet train, Super fast and modern! At CityBox, the receptionist is a row of robot stations. However, no real complaints.  When we had questions, were were able to find a nice human gent who helped us!



In the train station, we caught sight of several of Tesla's new autonomous vehicles.

This model is called "Sushi on the Move."  None have caught fire yet.


Dinner was at the Amundsen restaurant.  I'm sure we enjoyed better fare than he did in the frozen wastes.

Brieflabb sounds like a briefly consumed meal that leaves flabb on you... but the monkfish and sauce were so tasty!