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William James -
Fallingwater- A Visit to the Frank Lloyd Wright-Designed Home on December 27, 2003
by Albert Fried-Cassorla
I loved my visit to Fallingwater. And I think that if you like great and imaginative architecture, you will too!
For a National Space Toilet - My humble suggestion for a solution to the problem of excess funding for social programs.
Hebe and Herakles Pyxis - This is a summary of a talk I gave at the Penn Museum of the University of Pennsylvania on an ancient Greek vases called a Pyxis.
Hebe and Herakles youtube video - Here is a link to the video I made of my May 8, 2019 talk.
Observations on the Rose Center - This article is in the form of a letter to Professor David Helfand, a dynamic professor of astronomy at Columbia University. We had to good fortune to hear him speak, and I promised to write him with some of my observations on an upcoming trip to the new Rose Center of the Hayden Plaentarium, part of the American Museum of Natural History. The gorgeous photos I took steal the show, in my humble opinion!
The Meanings of Life by Albert Fried-Cassorla
A Brief Introduction to Aesthetics by Albert Fried-Cassorla 1-26-18
Quantum Physics - some Key Aspects by Albert Fried-Cassorla 8-12-21
Under the Undergraduate - Written in April, 1967 at age 17, this shows how I was thinking about the process of applying to college. It covers the interminable waiting, interview tips and more.
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